
I was convinced by a friend of mine to create this blog, however I do not know if I will write on it often. There's something limiting about a blog that's theoretically public, I don't feel I can write about everything that I would in, say, a journal. I will probably do very little editing, I think there's something charming perhaps about that, in a surrealist sort of way - it can be a better method of actually conveying my capital-T True thoughts and feelings, as surrealist automatism is meant to - reveal the contents of the subconscious. At least I think that's what it's meant to do.

There is something very terrifying I think about forgetting things. If you completely forgot an experience, it's almost as if it never happened, to you at least. Well, I suppose that it can still have some impact. If during the night you were running a secret fight club/terrorist group, the physical marks would be visible on you. But I wonder how much one can be affected internally by experiences they do not remember. If you had a life-changing conversation with someone, something that truly changed the way you looked at yourself and the world, but then you forgot it, would anything change? Would you still, in some subconscious way, be affected by it? Or would it be gone forever, the time never to be regained, and the wisdom left to be searched for once more?

Socrates, or Plato (as only through Plato's writings do we have the thoughts of Socrates, and if I'm not mistaken, at least some of those writings that supposedly conveyed the thoughts of Socrates weren't actually such), presented an argument against writing, being that it makes people not exercise their memory. How ironic, or maybe more aptly, prophetic, that I had to look that up. And yet, it seems to me that human memory is very flawed, and writing is the only way to be able to know all the things that are known today. Or maybe Plato/Socrates was right, and writing does cause our memory to falter. In either case, in the state that I'm now, it would seem that writing is the only way for me to remember things. I forget things way too often.

I've already given up on my surrealist-ish "no editing" rule, I think. But these posts are still going to be very... Random, let's say. Not necessarily about any one topic.